Outside academia, I am a strong believer of Buddhism.
I have just started practicing meditation but the progress has been rather slow.
I am guided by Theravada Buddhism.
In Hong Kong, I usually go to Wat Buddhadhammaram in Yuen Long where I have my teachers there. The temple strictly follows a Thai forest tradition of Buddhism.
In Australia, I from time to time attend either Wat Rattanaprateep Vihara in Thebarton, Adelaide, or Wat Sri Ratana Wanaram in Mylor, Adelaide, as both temples, along with the temple in Hong Kong, are branches of the same temple in Thailand.
I usually spend approximately an hour at night after readiing or writing upon chanting mantra and meditating. And again, I spend half an hour or 40 minutes upon chantiing mantra before I step out of the house in the morning. The flexibility of beiing an acaademic in the sense of not having to stick to strict official hours and of knowing any meetiing schedule well in advance serves me just right.
Aside from Buddhism, I also like listening to Cantonese songs, especially Cantonese oldies - those in the late 80s or early 90s. My favorite singer is the late Danny Chan Bak-Keung (陳百強). It will not be surprising if you from time to time spot me in karaoke places in Hong Kong singing 喝采 or 偏偏喜歡你 or 一生何求 or 戀愛預告 or 有了你.