Dr Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit, FCIArb
Academic lawyer, arbitrator & mediator

Current research projects mentioned in this page reflect my current academic interests and they are tentative only and some of them may not lead to fruition.

Work in progress / under review

I am examining the insurance contract in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially on the pre-contractual duty of disclosure. This is written initially as a conference paper and will be expanded into a publication at a later stage.

I am examining the use of AI in the context of the unauthorised bills of lading. This is again written for a conference paper and will be expanded into a publication at a later stage. 

I am examining the method of gap-filling in Article 7 of the CISG.

I and my research collaborator are in the process of preparing a sequel to our co-edited book China's One Belt One Road Initiative and Private International Law (Routledge 2018). We have concluded the contract with the publisher, with the manuscript to be submitted toward the end of 2024. 

I am also working on a book chapter relating to private international law in the context of blockchain-based bills of lading.

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